Friday, February 16, 2018

WATCH: American Nurse Slams Trillanes For Comparing Davao City To North Korea

Senator Antonio Trillanes IV has been lambasted again. This time, by an American nurse who sent a message to him after he compared the citizens of Davao City to those of North Korea.

This comment was made a few days ago in his press briefing in Chicago. He said that the citizens of Davao have been brainwashed into praising their leader, like North Korea’s Kim Jong Un.
In a short video, this American nurse asked Trillanes whether he was drunk when he made that statement because it is just plain wrong.

The nurse didn’t put any details into it, but just the fact that an American citizen is calling out the senator for something that even they can see from a country far away, says a lot of thing about how Trillanes really is putting Filipinos into a bad light.

The video

The video is short and to the point one with the nurse saying what she wanted to say to Trillanes.


“Were you drunk when you made the comment that Davao City is comparable to North Korea? I don’t understand what you’re talking about. You must have been drunk or out of your head. I am sorry but it’s just wrong. Don’t talk about untruths to other people.”

As of now, Trillanes have yet to answer back. But given the number of people who lambasted him and continue to do so on a daily basis, we doubt he’ll answer back to them all.

Watch the video below:


